Sherman Indian High School’s residential program meets the needs of a diverse Indigenous student population in one-on-one, classroom, familial, and community settings. Our grade 9 - 12 students enroll in various programs that teach valuable life skills that are useful for higher education and career pursuits.
The Pathways Program (CTE) at SIHS
The following individual Pathway Programs are each an example of Sherman Indian High School's exciting learning initiatives.
- Agricultural Science-Animal Science Pathway
- Computer Literacy and Design Pathway
- Construction Pathways
- Culinary Pathway
- Health Pathway
- Public Safety Pathway
- Small Gas Engines Pathway
Daughters of Tradition Program
Our Daughters of Tradition program hosts are from the Native American Resource Center of San Manuel Indian Health Clinic. Students will benefit from the guidance, nurturing, and support of their community’s elders, counselors, and peers. The Daughters of Tradition program provides cultural platforms for students to develop and maintain mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Culture is prevention!
- Learn from elders, peers and community members how to recognize, avoid and get help for problems you see or experience.
- Explore these three questions: Who am I? Why am I? Where am I going?
- Know what it is like to belong to a healthy group and participate in healthy thinking and activities.
- In our meetings, we usually do a lesson, a craft, or a talking circle. (Zoom virtual meetings)
- Raffle and prizes for good attendance.
Related Forms
Indigenous Youth Environmental Justice Program (IYEJP)
- IYEJP-Application Form (Contact School: Need updated application – this has 2021 information)
The IYEJP Program is developing youth leaders ready to pursue environmental justice for Indigenous communities. The climate crisis uniquely affects Indigenous communities. Native scholars collaborate and engage with each other to address coastal and ocean conservation, protecting sacred sites, and preserving cultural connections with the land.